Monday 8 August 2011

Steampunk Silicone iPod Case Modification

So, after looking at a ton of Steampunk-ified iPod cases, speakers, computers and such, I decided to turn one of my cases into something more unique.

Clearly I should've thought my project through better at first, since there were a number of troubles I encountered. Namely; my iPod being a Nano 4th Gen and thus having a round body, not having any real equipment or expertise and only using things I could find around the house.

I completed the project in a few hours, and didn't buy anything for it. I used a black silicone case for the base, some old gold paint, a heap of parts I gained from tearing apart an old clock, and some gorgeous mahogany vinyl of sorts I ripped off a jewellery box. Also, I think it's safe to say I used up more glue on this project than one might in a lifetime!

Here's a picture of the completed product. Note that I am an absolute amateur.

The front boasts glue, glue and more glue. A semi-translucent plastic clock gear is stitched on, leaving a gap before the mound of small screws painted gold and submerged in glue (which you can't really see in this shoddy photo). Gold paint has been used to give it a kind of wrought-metal look, and frayed mahogany vinyl sewn to the bottom with some matching thread glued on.

The back consists mainly of a big piece of that fabulous vinyl crookedly and messily sewn on. Various gears and clock parts are attached via either the same trusty-ol'-super-glue or needle and thread.

So, there you have it, folks! I'd say about a month before it falls apart completely. I hope to one day re-do this project with the proper supplies, equipment, brass bits and bobs, and more time - but until then, this'll do.

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