Monday 15 August 2011

David Bowie as Jareth the Goblin King; Labyrinth Fan-art

Quick digital painting of Jareth from the Labyrinth, done in Gimp. It's not coloured because I'm lazy, though I may get around to completing it in the future.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Digital Art Preview Part 2

I posted the first WIP of this picture yesterday, here's the progress I've made with it in an hour or so.

Yes, I know the eyes are too big, the proportions are severly off, the shading's inconsistent, etc. etc. Oh well. I'm doing this with a laptop trackpad/mouse thingy in Gimp, in case you're wondering. Thinking I might turn this into a full picture with a body and such, but a creature that isn't completely human.

Monday 8 August 2011

Steampunk Silicone iPod Case Modification

So, after looking at a ton of Steampunk-ified iPod cases, speakers, computers and such, I decided to turn one of my cases into something more unique.

Clearly I should've thought my project through better at first, since there were a number of troubles I encountered. Namely; my iPod being a Nano 4th Gen and thus having a round body, not having any real equipment or expertise and only using things I could find around the house.

I completed the project in a few hours, and didn't buy anything for it. I used a black silicone case for the base, some old gold paint, a heap of parts I gained from tearing apart an old clock, and some gorgeous mahogany vinyl of sorts I ripped off a jewellery box. Also, I think it's safe to say I used up more glue on this project than one might in a lifetime!

Here's a picture of the completed product. Note that I am an absolute amateur.

The front boasts glue, glue and more glue. A semi-translucent plastic clock gear is stitched on, leaving a gap before the mound of small screws painted gold and submerged in glue (which you can't really see in this shoddy photo). Gold paint has been used to give it a kind of wrought-metal look, and frayed mahogany vinyl sewn to the bottom with some matching thread glued on.

The back consists mainly of a big piece of that fabulous vinyl crookedly and messily sewn on. Various gears and clock parts are attached via either the same trusty-ol'-super-glue or needle and thread.

So, there you have it, folks! I'd say about a month before it falls apart completely. I hope to one day re-do this project with the proper supplies, equipment, brass bits and bobs, and more time - but until then, this'll do.

Emotive Eye

 Yet another sketch I did in the middle of class one day, shared here via my not-very-excellent-image-quality mobile phone camera.

Innocent Eyes

Another quick sketch I did in class a while ago.

Digital Art Preview

Something I'm working on.

Eye See You

Oh, I'm so punny! Done in Gimp (v 2.8.6) in five or ten minutes.

Quick Sketch

Done in class a while ago, not the full picture since I don't have a scanner that works with this laptop at the moment.

Sunday 7 August 2011

White Rabbit Cosplay Variation; Supanova 2011

Something I threw together the morning of Supanova; using socks for ears, even! A quick but nice cosplay.